This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

I would often tell people, I am a night owl – simply put I am just not a morning person. I believe that many people have a rigid belief system where things are simply black or white. They do not create space for others or themselves to challenge their thoughts. I decided that I did not want to be like that, and I wanted to change the way I perceived being an early riser. I started by paying close attention to how I would verbalize it to my peers.

My routine change began very slowly (almost snail like), by waking up 30-minutes earlier and I would drag myself (with my comforter) to the couch and force myself to eat something and have a coffee. I set some boundaries with my partner stating that he could not speak to me until we had both downed our coffees and by that point (hopefully) my negative energy was washed away.

After seeing some small improvements over the next weeks, I decided that I was ready to add more items to my routine. Morning routines are vital for humans to reach their highest potential, hence you want to build a lifestyle, not a simple hobby. It is all about baby steps, it is unrealistic to think that you change your routine cold turkey.

It took me 2-3 months to establish and commit to my morning routine, and I will confess that some days are better than others. I have learned to practice self-forgiveness, if I fall off for a day or so; however, discipline and consistency are vital for true transformation.

The following are the items that keep me grounded, remove needless anxiety, center me, and keep me joyful, curious, and healthy.


Gratitude journaling


Journaling can be challenging for someone who has trust issues. I grew up in a very strict traditional South Asian family, and I recall a time where my mom was cleaning my room and read through my entire journal. I feel many parents would be ashamed on their actions; however, my mom not only admitted to reading it, she highlighted comments I had made in anger about her specifically. This lead to an incredibly awkward (but entertaining) family meeting.

This past trauma stopped me from journaling for many years, and when I started again I found myself writing and trying to be entertaining and funny as if someone would read it besides me. It was not until this year, that I confronted this and starting journaling just for ME!

Simply put gratitude means being thankful and showing your appreciation towards an individual or group. 




Really helps to keep yourself grounded and centered.  It can be difficult to stop your mind from wandering and just being still. For me, I started using a guided mediation on apps such as Headspace and Calm. Remember slow and steady wins the race, I started at 5-10 minutes a day. When (not IF) WHEN I found myself wandering, I would calmly forgive myself and bring my attention back to my breath.

At first, I was mediating in my bed and I found myself having difficulty being present as I was dozing back into REM sleep. I suggest sitting on the ground, on a very comfortable pillow (unless you are lucky and have a lot of junk in the trunk). When the weather was right, I enjoyed mediating on the balcony or even outdoors. It feels wonderful to be one with nature and connect your breath to the wind. I would often joke to my friends that during a mediation session outside, I would feel like Pocahontas signing “colors of the wind”.

Mediation is private and confidential, it is much needed time with the person that matters most – YOU! We spend most of our days tending to the needs of others; our partners, kids, pets, bosses, family, friends. Mediation has the ability to enhance your mood, emotions and even mental state.

My mediation journey is getting enhanced by the day. There are good days and distracted days but I am able to sit for longer and really enjoy this as part of my morning routine. Try it!


Exercise/physical activity

When it comes to waking up and doing physical activity, it can be the hardest feeling. Especially when you find yourself not wanting to leave your warm bed and hit that snooze button repeatedly. I find it helpful to start small and exercise for 15-30 minutes. I would also change it up so I did not get bored, I was excited with different work outs. The following are examples of things I would do:

·        When I did not feel like leaving the house, I would do 4 rounds of 20 push-ups, sit ups, and air squats.


·        I would go for a run (especially when it was cooler outside with a light breeze)

·        I would do a group CrossFit class

·        I would do a yoga practice

·        I would do play 30-60 mins of tennis

The world is your oyster and there are so many places to start. I feel that for mornings, it is nice to have a workout buddy or partner to get you out of bed. It is important to get your heart rate and metabolism up, to start your day.

If you are not someone who has worked out, no problem! We all start somewhere, I would sugguest going for a walk or light bike ride. Just get yourself moving and build from there. Trust me once you have those morning endorphins going, you will thank yourself.    

Positive affirmations

These are positive statements that are used to challenge and refute the negative and self-sabotaging thoughts that consume us. Studies have shown that 80% of our thoughts are negative and destructive to sound mental health. When repeated, we begin to believe these affirmations, and they lead to positive changes in our lives.

We are all aware that having a positive mindset can be a determining factor between success, and failure. Affirmations can be written out or said out loud. There are guided ones that can be found on YouTube, where you repeat after them.


I spent time listening to some of the saboteurs in mind and found that there is a consistent them of lack of self-worth, hence one of my affirmations are “I am ENOUGH!” I spend 10-15 minutes on these every day and feel like my approach to the world and myself are positive with curiosity and no judgement.


There are many successful millionaires that wake up early in order to complete many of the self-care items that I mentioned. If you find yourself unmotivated and are in need of personal development or a paradigm shift (like I did), setting up a great morning routine that works for you will place you in an advantageous position. Studies have said that it takes a minimum of 21 days to create a habit. It took me 2-3 months but I am very content with my own growth and mindset shift.



Join me! Let’s win together!

Love lots!

Coach Rahim Printer


How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day